University of Colorado Denver
 Business School

Research Statement

Dawn G. Gregg, Ph.D.


My research seeks to improve the World Wide Web (Web) by exploring methods to improve the quality and usability of web based information and how individuals use that information. I am currently working on a research project that examines the impact of the “Snob effect” on discontinuance of digital products.  A second project examines electronic word of mouth (eWoM) by comparing eWoM posted in social media sites (Facebook) with that for a review site (Yelp). Specifically it compares the impact of implicit eWoM (like a check in) with explicit eWoM (a rating or review) on future eWoM activity.  I am also continuing my research into "Web 2.0" applications, examining the requirements for a medical tourism e-portal that can reduce information asymmetry. This project involves collaboration with doctors from the Anschutz medical campus who are working in the medical tourism industry.  An important part of this research projects is the development and validation of prototype systems that can be used to demonstrate the benefits the system can provide individuals interested in medical tourism.

Research Contributions

The majority of my research papers can be grouped into two overlapping research areas: electronic marketplaces and decision support systems.  Both of these research areas utilize software agents, web applications, and web information in one way or another.   I have published 32 refereed journal articles in these areas, 19 of those articles since receiving tenure in 2008. The table R1 on the next pages summarizes my contribution on each of these papers.

Electronic Marketplaces This research stream has examined a variety of themes related to the success of online marketplaces. One of the most successful types of Internet marketplaces has been the online auction.  My research in electronic marketplaces examines the impact of online image (e-image) type on online auction success, the use of online reputation systems for documenting and predicting online auction fraud, the characteristics of shill reviews, the criteria auction sellers’ use when selecting an online auction site and the impact of Web agents operating in online B2C and C2C auctions.  This area of research has resulted in the publication of fourteen journal papers, ten papers since receiving tenure.  These papers have appeared in a wide variety of journals including Information Systems Frontiers (2015),  Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (2014),  the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (2014), Electronic Commerce Research (2010), the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (2009/2010), the Journal of Computer Information Systems (2009) and MIS Quarterly (2008).  This research stream has also resulted three articles under review at Small Business Economics, the Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce and Computers & Education.

Decision Support Systems This research stream examines the design and use of Decision Support Systems across a variety of application domains.  These areas include research into the use of geospatial decision support systems, the development of a collective intelligence application for special education, a mashup application to support retail consumer decision making and the impact of dynamic interaction on decision support system effectiveness.  This research stream is strongly design science oriented, with an emphasis on building real software systems and using them to evaluate benefits, human computer interaction, and research concepts. Many of the research projects leverage Web 2.0 technologies to create specialized applications.  This research stream has resulted in twelve journal papers, nine papers since receiving tenure. These papers have appeared in a wide variety of journals including the Journal of Computer Information Systems (in Press), the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (In Press), IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (2013),  Decision Support Systems (2010, 2009), and Communications of the ACM (2010).  It also resulted in an early paper on Design Science Research published in Information Systems Frontiers (2001) and two papers currently under review at Information Technology & People and Information Systems Frontiers.

This research stream is closely related to an earlier stream of research into the design of information retrieval agents that could be used in a wide range of “Web mining” activities. This research resulted in five journal articles including an invited paper at the Journal of Universal Computer Science (2008).


Research Quality

There are a number of measures of research quality.  A summary of several of these quality measures with respect to my research can be found in the table below.

Table R2: Research Quality Summary

Number of Refereed Publications


Number of Journal Publications


Number of “A” Journal Publications




h index




The h index is a widely accepted measure of the importance, significance, and broad impact of a scientist's cumulative research contributions. It is defined as the number of papers with citation numbers > h.  The i10-index is simply the number of papers with more than 10 citations.

My research can be also be evaluated by assessing the quality of the research outlets I have published in. Numerous surveys have attempted to evaluate the quality of publication outlets for information systems researchers.  They include surveys that evaluate the IS discipline as a whole as well as surveys that evaluate research outlets for specific topic areas. IS World net maintains a table that includes nine research surveys which rank IS journals based on their contribution to the discipline as a whole (see table R3 which summarizes these rankings).  In these surveys, MIS Quarterly is consistently ranked as the top journal in the field. It is on the Information Systems Senior Scholars' List of Premier Information Systems Journals.[i]  Communications of the ACM is consistently ranked as one of the top 5 journals in the field with four of the nine surveys ranking it as the number 2 journal in the field.  Decision Support Systems was ranked from 5th to 13th most important research outlet for the MIS discipline as a whole.  One of the more recent surveys found Communications of the ACM to be the most valuable general (non-IS) outlet for IS research.  It also found MIS Quarterly to be the most valuable information systems specific research outlet, with Decision Support Systems the 7th, International Journal of Electronic Commerce the 12th, and Journal of Computer Information Systems the 26th most valuable information systems specific research outlet.[ii]  The average IS discipline ranking across all nine studies are included in table R1 for each of my papers.

Three other studies evaluated journals with respect to their contributions in a specific IS domain. The first found that Decision Support Systems is the primary publication outlet for researchers in the disciplines of either artificial intelligence or decision support systems.[iii]  This was supported by another study, which found Decision Support Systems to be ranked second for decision science researchers.[iv] Two studies evaluated the top journals for e-Commerce research and both ranked the International Journal of Electronic Commerce as being the best e-Commerce research outlet for IS researchers.4, [v] Electronic Commerce Research has ranked as the second best and the Journal of Electronic Commerce Research has ranked as the fourth best e-Commerce research outlet for IS researchers.4  The International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction is ranked as the fifth best outlet for research related to Human Computer Interaction (HCI) research.4 This same study ranked Communications of the ACM as the top computer science outlet and IEEE Transactions as the second best computer science outlet for information systems research.4  These subdiscipline ranking are included in table R1 for each of my papers.

The Australian Business Deans Council established an ABDC Journal Quality List to overcome the regional and discipline bias of international lists.  The ABDC Journal Quality List 2013 comprises 2,767 different journal titles, divided into four categories of quality, A*: 6.9%; A: 20.8%; B: 28.4%; and C: 43.9% journals.[vi]  Unlike the Information Systems Journal rankings, the ABDC list includes relative rankings across all business disciplines. This cross-disciplinary journal quality list suggests that five of my papers appear in journals that can be classified as premier (A*) journals, one in MIS Quarterly and four in Decision Support Systems and fourteen of my other papers appear in A journals. These cross-disciplinary qualities are included in table R1 for each of my papers.

Seven of my papers appear in journals that are either unranked or classified as C level journals by the ADBC study. One of these unclassified journals is the Journal of Universal Computer Science, which, as a largely computer science journal, was outside the scope of a business journal ranking.  Its ISI impact factor suggests it would likely have a classification as a B journal. The ADBC list ranks  Electronic Commerce Research and Applications as a C journal, despite the fact it has an ISI impact factor and IS journal ranking similar to that of other A journals on their list (e.g. Information and Software Technology).  Of the remaining five papers, three were early research papers written by Ph.D. students.  I encourage my Ph.D. students to submit their early work to journals to get practice with the journal review process, even if the study is just a pilot study or literature review.

Future Research

I plan on continuing my research into decision support systems, specifically involving collective intelligence and other Web 2.0 technologies.  I am also continuing my research on electronic marketplaces examining factors influencing marketplace dynamics. My goal is to average two to three publications per year with at least half of these publications appearing in a top research outlets like: MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, the Journal of the AIS, the Journal of Management Information Systems, the International Journal of Electronic Commerce or IEEE Transactions.


last updated December 2016